Raft for Laszlo
This installation was developed as part of an exhibition entitled LIGHT+WEIGHT, which focused on the challenge of conceptualizing the lifespan of materials that impact our environment, specifically single-use plastics. The artists, along with friends of the gallery, collected the plastics they used in the weeks leading up to the exhibition; these were then assembled to create “rafts” – sculpted piles of plastics floating in shallow pools of water.
These rafts are illuminated from within and activated by small fans, allowing them to drift endlessly on their small oceans and cast the magnified shadows of their contents throughout the space. The title references the work of Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, one of the first artists in the early 20th century to begin incorporating newly developed plastics into artworks, and the complex and convoluted connections between artmaking, consumption, and sustainability.
Documentation from LIGHT+WEIGHT; Galerie Krupic Kersting, Cologne, Germany 2020